Hello, I’m Christa!
As an Occupational Therapist (OTR), I specialize in prevention and health and wellness within the adult population. With a background in occupational therapy, I teach, coach, mentor, consult and counsel individuals and groups in personal growth. I also educate and train clients in improving relationships, work habits, school engagement, and caregiving, as well as advise and support those who have experienced issues of abuse and neglect.
I take pride in realizing and understanding the complexities of life and how it relates to intricacies of the human body – mind, body, and soul.
A healthy balance in these three (3) areas is essential for good mental, physical and emotional health. Balancing these areas are vital in building and maintaining purpose, motivation, quality of life and contentment. I began to understand the importance of how all three of these areas need to work in sync for overall health; not just through learning about occupational therapy but also through personal experiences.
My life’s experiences and adversities have developed empathy, compassion and passion for health and wellness for others which ultimately led me to create Life Wellness Occupational Therapy.
Life Wellness implement’s a unique and holistic approach that assesses various areas of a person’s life that have caused a decline in living a quality life. Life Wellness works on balancing specific areas using various methods and approaches so that the individual can find joy, meaning, motivation and satisfaction, once again, in life.
Life Wellness Occupational Therapy LLC Owner
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Fringilla neque iaculis ut. Suspendisse quis justo nec nisi porta commodo mattis a dui. Praesent sagittis nunc elit. Donec sed diam consequat egestas.
Fringilla neque iaculis ut. Suspendisse quis justo nec nisi porta commodo mattis a dui. Praesent sagittis nunc elit. Donec sed diam consequat egestas.